Dr. Chemist / Mossad El Kasaby conducts an extensive Walkthrough to follow up safety procedures at SIDPEC sites


In accordance with the directives of the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineer Tarek El Molla and the recommendations of Chemist/ Saad Helal Chairman of Egyptian Petrochemicals Holding Company (ECHEM), Dr. Mossad El Kasaby, Chairman and Managing Director of Sidi Kerir Petrochemical Company, Chairman assistants, general managers and members of the safety committee of the company took a Walkthrough. This comes within the framework of the planned field trips carried out by Dr. Mossad El Kasaby to follow up the procedures of safety and occupational health and environmental protection at work sites. during the Walkthrough, Dr. Mossad El Kasaby highlighted the need to continue to adhere to safety rules and provide a safe work environment.

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