
as part of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources’ strategy to promote safety, occupational health and environmental protection in the petroleum sector, Sidi Kerir Petrochemicals Company (SIDPEC) honoured outstanding employees at the concluding event of the annual Safety Week organised by the Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Department. The ceremony, attended by Eng. Mohamed Ibrahim, Chairman of the Board of Directors, recognised employees who demonstrated excellence in adhering to safety, occupational health and environmental protection standards, as well as those who presented notable ideas related to reporting potential hazards within the company. The event included recognition of 22 employees and began with a recorded speech by H.E. Eng. Tarek El Molla, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, which was disseminated across various company platforms. Detailed explanations were then provided by safety and occupational health officials on topics such as safety, potential hazards, incident reporting programs, preventive measures, and awareness of safety, occupational health, environmental protection, operational safety, and life preservation rules. At the conclusion of the event, Eng.Mohamed Ibrahim, President of SIDPEC, affirmed the company’s continuous efforts to achieve the highest levels of environmental protection, safety and occupational health performance with the aim of achieving sustainable development. He emphasized the provision of necessary training for various job levels and the dissemination of awareness, knowledge and skills to ensure successful implementation of the environmental, occupational health and safety management system. The General Department of Occupational Safety and Health organized various activities during Safety Week 2023, starting with an awareness seminar for all contractor employees to emphasize accident and occupational illness prevention and showcase safety videos. On day two, the Supreme Safety Committee conducted site tours to confirm emergency preparedness, equipment safety and engage in discussions with employees. On day three, the department held educational lectures and videos on safety, occupational health and environmental protection at company locations.

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