SIDPEC was founded in 1997, and listed its shares on the Egyptian Stock Exchange for public investors in 2005.
SIDPEC’s financial model is built to support ONE principal goal which is to provide long-term value to shareholders. It has been developed over time through strategic investments in capabilities and technologies that have good long-term growth and profitability prospects based on the value they deliver.SIDPEC’s financial model enables the company to deliver consistently strong earnings, cash flows and returns on invested capital in changing economic environments. SIDPEC’s consistent performance has enabled to deliver a good track record of growth represented in earnings and dividend increases.
We remain committed to profitably growing our businesses, and enhancing the value we can bring to our shareholder. Moreover we are committed to development of social society and protection of the environment.
Tel/Fax: 034770140
Investors Relation: -
1- Mohamed Fathy 034770131
2- Ossama Ramzy 01223974750